Nathalie Van Raemdonck
Designing for security: how to not help attackers
Event date: 17 November 2020
Digital technology has brought much innovation, but has also offered many opportunities for criminals and attackers to disrupt and exploit.
“Security-by-Design” methods are increasingly implemented by coders to stop attackers, but what does this exactly mean for usability designers? This talk will provide some situational awareness for designers and provide insights on cybersecurity threats and common techniques used by attackers. Nathalie will provide examples how certain designs are abused by attackers and how some designs hinder secure behaviour.
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About the speaker

Nathalie Van Raemdonck is a PhD candidate at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) in the SMIT-IMEC research group. Her research will focus on platform governance, the organic spread of misinformation and online radicalisation. She is also an Associate Analyst at the EUISS primarily working on the EU Cyber Direct project supporting EU Cyber Diplomacy. Her expertise covers Cybersecurity, information warfare and its legal dimensions. She holds a MsC in Political Science from the university of Brussels (VUB) and an LLM in international security from the Free university of Amsterdam (VU). Prior to joining the EUISS, Nathalie worked for the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium, focusing on improving national capacity.
Photo by Michael Dziedzic